16 Best Zero Waste Documentaries To Watch
As a mom of three, I know how crucial it is to teach our children about sustainability and the impact of waste on our planet.
What better way to learn than through documentaries that bring these issues to life?
I’ve compiled a list of must-watch zero waste documentaries that are not only informative but also eye-opening and, at times, surprisingly humorous.
1. Wasted!
Wasted! is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the issue of food waste. It’s shocking to see just how much food we toss out. This film is a real eye-opener and a great conversation starter with the kids about not wasting food.
2. Tapped
Tapped examines the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil. A must-watch for anyone who’s ever bought a plastic bottle of water – which, let’s be honest, is most of us!
3. Broken
Broken is a series that uncovers the unknown and sometimes sinister sides of consumer goods. It’s a startling look at how what we buy impacts the world.
4. Minimalism
Minimalism shows how your life can be better with less. It’s a refreshing take on consumerism and makes you reconsider if you really need that third pair of black boots.
5. No Impact Man
No Impact Man is about a New York City writer and his family who attempt to live a zero-waste lifestyle for one year. It’s hilarious and inspiring – and makes my attempts at using cloth diapers seem easy in comparison!
6. The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. It’s a great starting point for anyone new to the concept of zero waste.
7. Bag It
Bag It follows an average guy who decides to stop using plastic bags, leading him to a global journey to explore our plastic world. It’s funny yet enlightening.
8. Just Eat It
Just Eat It is about a couple who challenge themselves to only eat food that would otherwise be thrown away. It’s not just about food waste; it’s a challenge to all of us to reconsider how we value food.
9. Garbage The Revolution
Garbage The Revolution explores innovative ways of managing waste, showing that trash is not the end of the line but can be the start of something new.
10. A Plastic Ocean
A Plastic Ocean is a beautiful yet disturbing film about the effects of plastic pollution in our oceans. It’s a visual feast and a must-watch for everyone, especially if you love the sea.
11. Blue Planet II
Blue Planet II is not strictly about zero waste, but it stunningly captures the beauty of our oceans and the devastating impact of pollution. It’s a visual masterpiece that will leave you in awe and more committed to protecting our planet.
12. Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Plastic Paradise is an eye-opening journey to one of the most remote places on Earth, where plastic in all forms accumulates. It’s a wakeup call to the reality of our plastic addiction.
13. Plastic China
Plastic China offers a glimpse into the lives of those who sort the world’s waste for a living. It’s a stark reminder of the human cost of our disposable culture.
14. Seaspiracy
This documentary goes beyond the issue of plastic waste to explore the negative impacts of the fishing industry on our oceans, including human trafficking, overfishing, and flaws in sustainable fish certification programs.
15. Landfill Harmonic
Set in Paraguay, this film follows a group of children who create musical instruments from trash found in one of South America’s largest landfills. It’s an inspiring story of creativity and human fortitude.
16. 2040
Directed by Damon Gameau, this optimistic documentary presents the solutions we already have to live in harmony with the environment, framed as a visual letter to his young daughter.
As a parent, I find these documentaries a powerful tool to educate not only ourselves but also our children about the importance of reducing waste.
Watching them might just inspire your family to make small changes that have a big impact on our planet.
And hey, who knows, maybe after watching Minimalism, you’ll be inspired to clean out that cluttered garage finally.